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u/ScraperBot 10 mths ago
A Rebel Born (2019)

The story of Nathan Bedford Forrest, a brilliant and very controversial Confederate general in the War Between the States. Even now, more than 150 years after the end of the war, Forrest has remained surrounded in controversy.

u/ScraperBot 10 mths ago
The Face of Fu Manchu (1965)

Grisly strangulations in London alert Nayland Smith of Scotland Yard to the possibility that fiendish Fu Manchu may not after all be dead, even though Smith witnessed his execution. A killer spray made from Tibetan berries seems to be involved and clues keep leading back to the Thames.

u/ScraperBot 10 mths ago
Aurora (2011)ro

An apartment kitchen: a man and a woman discuss Little Red Riding Hood, their voices hushed, mindful of waking the little girl sleeping next room. Waste land on the city outskirts: behind a line of abandoned trailers, the man silently watches what seems to be a family. The same city, the same man: driving through traffic with two hand-made firing pins for a hunting rifle. The man is 42 years old, his name – Viorel. Troubled by obscure thoughts, he drives across the city to a destination known only to him.

u/ScraperBot 10 mths ago
Deadly Daughter Switch (2020)

When Brooke discovers that her daughter Hailey isn’t actually her biological daughter, their family is thrown into crisis as they realize Hailey was switched at birth with Brookes biological daughter Breanne.

u/ScraperBot 10 mths ago
Don't Call Me Bigfoot (2020)

There are tales all around the world of big, hairy, bipedal, ape-like creatures that dwell in the wilderness and leave footprints. But whatever you do, don’t call them Bigfoot. From the Patterson – Gimlin film and other sightings to known hoaxes and bigfoot hunters, this documentary delves deep into the mythology, sightings and people who search out these mysterious beings.

u/ScraperBot 10 mths ago
Detroit Driller Killer (2020)

A struggling screenwriter is driven to violence by the noise and decay of the city around him. He lashes out with an electric power drill.

u/ScraperBot 10 mths ago
Alien Moon (2019)

Our enigmatic moon may have a sinister origin that mankind is not prepared for. From astronaut UFO encounters, to flashing lights, to geometric anomalies on the surface that appear to be structures, it’s possible that the moon my actually be the home of ancient aliens or be serving as a base of operations. For the moon to be able to perfectly eclipse the sun is a mathematical impossibility based on our current understanding of psychics but we also know that the moon could be hollow from experiments performed on Apollo missions. Clearly, there is an intelligence involved with our mysterious satellite.

u/ScraperBot 10 mths ago
Brave are the Fallen (2020)

Captain Thomas Wall was a firefighter and a hero. This heartfelt and inspiring documentary chronicles Tom’s life, and his untimely death while battling an inferno.

u/ScraperBot 10 mths ago
The Whalebone Box (2019)

From London to the far reaches of Scotland, the journey in the form of a quest for a whalebone box, related to its place of origin.

u/ScraperBot 10 mths ago
Equinox (1970)

Four friends are attacked by a demon while on a picnic, due to possession of a tome of mystic information, and find themselves pitched into a world of evil that overlaps our own.

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