c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 11 mths ago
Lionheart (1990)

Lyon Gaultier is a deserter in the Foreign Legion arriving in the USA entirely hard up. He finds his brother between life and death and his sister-in-law without the money needed to heal her husband and to maintain her child. To earn the money needed, Gaultier decides to take part in some very dangerous clandestine fights.
1990 7 stars A.D. Muyich Abdel Qissi Action Ash Adams Ashley Johnson Billy Blanks Brian Thompson Carlton Holder Christopher M. Brown Christopher Nixon Clement von Franckenstein Dean Milor Thomas Deborah Rennard Dennis Rucker Don Pike Douglas DuVal Eduardo Ricard English Eric Karson Freeman King Galen Yuen George McDaniel Harrison Page Imperial Entertainment Imperial Filmproduktion James Brewster Thompson Jean-Claude Van Damme Jeff Langton Jeff Speakman Julie Rudolph Kamel Krifa Lawrence Bender Leonard Gaines Lew Hopson Lindsey Carlos Lisa Pelikan Lonnie Burr Loren Freeman Magic Schwarz Mark De Alessandro Mark Williams Maurice Lamont Michael M. Foley Michel Qissi Micheline Lettich Paco Christian Prieto Roger Etienne Roger La Page Roz Bosley Scott Spiegel Sebastian Massa Sheldon Lettich Sifu Williams Spanish Stefanos Miltsakakis Steven R. Purwin Stuart F. Wilson Thunderwolf Tim Yasui Tony 'Satch' Williams Tony Halme Tony Valentino Tracy Shakespeare Universal Pictures Vojislav Govedarica William T. Amos
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