c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 11 mths ago
Until Death (2007)

Anthony Stowe is a dirty cop who is hooked on heroin—and everyone hates him. After a serious accident, he is placed into an induced coma, but emerges from it a better person who wants to put things right.
2007 6 stars Absolut Film Management Action Adam Leese Alana Maria Alexandrina Vladova Amy Mihailova Anna Mihailova Atanas Srebrev bellpark Biliana Petrinska Buffy Davis C. Gerod Harris Crime English Euroimage EOOD Fiona O'Shaughnessy Gary Beadle Gary McDonald Jean-Claude Van Damme Jessica Luebe Jonas Talkington Julia Horvath M7 Productions Maggie Eldred Marianne Stanicheva Mark Dymond Marta Kondova Mena McCabe Michal Yannai Millennium Media Nadja Schulz-Berlinghoff Nu Image Peter Kuiper Rachel Grant Rachel O'Meara Selina Giles Signature Entertainment Sofia Leticia Morales Sofia Vasileva Stephen Lord Stephen Rea Thriller Velimir Velev Vladimir Mihaylov Wes Robinson William Ash
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