c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 11 mths ago
LelleBelle (2010)nl

19-year old Belle practices playing the violin diligently, but is unable to impart her music with a sensitive undertone. Her life changes when she discovers that sexual desire stimulates passion in her music.
2010 5 stars Alicia Berendse Anna Raadsveld Barbara Beernink Benja Bruijning BNN Charlie Dagelet Chava Voor in 't Holt Chloé Leenheer CoBo Fonds Dutch Esther Niemantsverdriet Isis Cabolet Joost Bolt Kees van Zantwijk Maureen Teeuwen Music Pupkin Renée Fokker Romance Roscoe Leijen Steven Joles Tess Milne Tom Jansen Tom Van Landuyt
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