c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 9 mths ago
Beyond the Law (2019)
When a former detective learns of the murder of his estranged son, he ventures back to the darkened streets he once knew so well. Armed, dangerous and with nothing to lose, he must take on the ruthless local mob in his mission for revenge.
2019 5 stars Action Bill Cobbs BondIt Brialynn Massie Chester Rushing Cody Renee Cameron Devin Reeve DMX English Garrett Louis James Cullen Bressack Jody Barton Johnny Messner Kansas Bowling Kim DeLonghi Madeleine Wade Mark Taormino Michael Simpson Jr. Mike Ferguson Mitchell L. Johnson Patrick Kilpatrick Randy Charach Saxon Sharbino Scotty Gelt Steven Seagal UFO Pictures Victoria De Mare Zack Ward
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