c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 9 mths ago
Still Walking (2008)ja
Twelve years after their beloved eldest son, Junpei, drowned while saving a stranger’s life, Kyohei and Toshiko welcome their surviving children home for a family reunion. Younger son Ryota still feels that his parents resent that he isn’t the one who died; his new wife, Yukari, is awkwardly meeting the rest of the family for the first time. Daughter Chinami strains to fill the uncomfortable pauses with forced cheer.
2008 8 stars Bandai Visual Cinequanon Drama Eisei Gekijo Engine Film Group Family Hiroshi Abe Hotaru Nomoto Japanese Kazuya Takahashi Kirin Kiki Ryôga Hayashi Shohei Tanaka Susumu Terajima TV Man Union Yoshio Harada YOU Yui Natsukawa
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