c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 9 mths ago
Metropolitan (1990)
A radical student is adopted by a group of young New Yorkers, serves as a catalyst to alter his and their lives. Gathering in a Manhattan apartment, the group of friends meet to discuss social mobility, Fourier’s socialism and play bridge in their cocoon of upper-class society – until they are joined by a man with a critical view of their way of life.
1990 7 stars Alice Connorton Allagash Films Allison Parisi Bryan Leder Caroline Bennett Carolyn Farina Catherine Atzen Chris Eigeman Comedy Donal Lardner Ward Drama Dylan Hundley Edward Clements Ellia Thompson English Francis Creighton Isabel Gillies J. Harden Rose Joel S. Schreiber John Lynch Linda Gillies Roger W. Kirby Romance Stephen Uys Taylor Nichols Thomas R. Voth Westerly Films Will Kempe
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