c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 9 mths ago
Scarecrow's Revenge (2019)
A Viking Warrior must step up when a heathen, banished from her village gives up his mortal soul in exchange for the near indestructible form of a demonic Scarecrow. As warriors fall to the vengeful Scarecrow, it’s down to Greta to save her village from annihilation.
2019 4 stars Adam Sugawara Albert Clogston Ally Kadambi Carey Thring ChampDog Films English Hattie Willow Horror ITN Distribution Jessica Otoole Kate Milner Evans Kelly Juvilee Louisa Warren Mike Kelson Peter Cosgrove Richard D. Myers Rita Siddiqui Sarah T. Cohen Shaila Alvarez Victor Toth
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