c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 9 mths ago
Wrongfully Accused (1998)
Ryan Harrison, a violin god, superstar and sex symbol does not want to cheat on sexy Lauren Goodhue’s husband with her. Mr. Goodhue is found murdered and Ryan suddenly finds himself being the main suspect. After being sentenced to death he manages to flee while being transferred to his execution site. Now, all the world is after him as he stumbles from one unfortunate incident to the next in order to prove himself innocent – by finding a mysterious one-eyed, one-armed, one-legged man…
1998 6 stars Aaron Pearl Action Adrien Dorval Adventure Alex Diakun Alexander Boynton Arthur Corber Barbaree Earl Nielsen Ben Immanuel Bev Martin Bill Tarling Brian Arnold Brian Cochrane Calvin Guo Charles Payne Charn Gandam Chick Hearn Christopher L. Gibson Comedy Constantin Film Cory Dagg David Prestley Derek Hurst Duncan Fraser Ellen Kennedy Ellie Harvie English French Tickner Gerard Plunkett Guy Bews Henry O. Watson Ingrid Henningsen Ingrid Tesch Jacques Bourassa Jason Payn John Walsh Johnathon Bruce Kanlayaporn Neelaphamorn Kelly LeBrock Ken Boyd Ken Vils Lamb Chop Leslie Jones Leslie Nielsen Marco Roy Mark Fox Mark Francis Mary Black Maura Nielsen Kaplan Maury Hannigan Melinda McGraw Michael S. Bolton Michael York Michelle Hart Mina E. Mina Morgan Creek Entertainment Noah Heney P.J. Lespance Pat Proft Patty Sachs Ric Cross Richard Crenna Rick Burgess Rob Daprocida Robin Nielsen Sandra Bernhard Stephen Tibbetts Thea Nielsen Disney Veena Sood Wallace Lueng Warner Bros. Pictures Yôko Sakai
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