c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 9 mths ago
The Walls Are Watching (2022)
A young couple is terrorized by the former owner of the home they now occupy. Instead of a honeymoon, life becomes a cat and mouse game for these newlyweds as they try to survive being hunted by a man who knows every inch of the residence better than they do; and who has nothing left to lose.
2022 6 stars Anthony Starke Barry Pearl Brandon Ford Green Branscombe Richmond Chanda Davetas Derek Sulek English Fade to Black Films Felipe Juárez J.P. Manoux John Bravo Lana McKissack Maura M. Knowles Megan Henry Herzlinger Michael Perl Oren Kamara Rachel Binsfield Sophia Crescitelli Thriller Tricia Trotter Taper TV Movie
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