c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 9 mths ago
Dustland (2022)fa
The truth carries a heavy burden, whether it is said that it sets off a storm, or it remains in the heart that disturbs man. Between telling the truth and revealing a secret or being silent and expedient, one is preferable to the other.
2022 6 stars Adrina Toosheh Benyamin Noroozi Drama Elaheh Azkari Erfan Naseri Farrokh Nemati Maede Tahmasbi Matin Heydarnia Mehran EmamBakhsh Mohammad Motazedi Pejman Jamshidi Persian RadRou Creative House Roya Javidnia Sadaf Espahbodi Sara Bahrami Setareh Pesyani Setayesh RajaeiNia Tarlan Parvaneh Yasna Mirtahmasb
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