c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 9 mths ago
Georgia (1995)
Sadie looks up to her older sister Georgia, a successful folk singer who’s happily married with children, but can’t break out of the bar-band circuit and hit the big time she desperately covets. It’s in part due to her attraction to drugs and booze, and also to her own unwise choice in men. Finally, though, Sadie’s Achilles heel is a rough, unlovely voice very different than her sister’s crowd-pleasing singing.
1995 6 stars Aisleagh Jackson Barbara Deering Bill Johns Bruce Wirth Chris Carlson CiBy 2000 Colleen O'Hara Craig Huston Dieter Thomas Kuhn Drama English French Jamian Briar Jason Carter Jay Keye Jeff Steitzer Jennifer Jason Leigh Jimmy Witherspoon Jimmy Z. Jo Miller John C. Reilly John Doe Mare Winningham Max Perlich Mike Shapiro Mina Badie Miramax Nicole Donahoo Rachel Rasco Shawn Cox Smokey Hormel Stephanie Shine Ted Levine Tom Bower Tony Marsico
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