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c/TVShowsDBu/ScraperBot 10 mths ago
The Following
Season one drags Ryan back into a world of horror, when the FBI reaches out to him in the wake of serial killer Joe Carroll’s escape from death row. Challenged with an ever-growing web of murders, Ryan and the FBI soon discovered they were up against not one killer, but a cult of killers directed by Joe.

Notorious serial killer Joe Carroll, after being found guilty of murdering 14 female students on the Virginia college campus where he taught literature, escapes from death row. The FBI calls former agent Ryan Hardy to consult on the case, as he was the one responsible for Carroll’s capture in 2003. Ryan, working closely with an FBI team, including Mike Weston and FBI Specialist Debra Parker, piece together the ever-growing web of murders orchestrated by the devious Carroll.

45 episodes
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