c/TVShowsDB • u/ScraperBot 9 mths ago
Pokémon Originsja
Serving as a more faithful adaptation of the Pokémon Red and Blue games, the story follows a young boy named Red who begins a journey with his Pokémon partner, Charmander, as he seeks to capture all the known Pokémon in the Kanto region and become the Pokémon League champion.
Follow Red as he travels through the Kanto region, encounters Team Rocket, battles his rival, and challenges the Pokémon League!
7 stars Action & Adventure Animation Japanese Junko Takeuchi Katsuji Mori Minoru Inaba OLM Production I.G Rikiya Koyama Sci-Fi & Fantasy Takuya Eguchi The Pokémon Company Tokuyoshi Kawashima Tomokazu Sugita XEBEC Yui Ishikawa
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