c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 10 mths ago
Last Dance (1996)
Upon taking a new job, young lawyer Rick Hayes is assigned to the clemency case of Cindy Liggett, a woman convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to death. As Hayes investigates the background for her case, the two begin to form a deep friendship, while all the while the date for her execution draws nearer.
1996 6 stars Charlotte Hackman Christine Cattell Crime Dave Hager Deena Dill Diana Taylor Diane Sellers Don Harvey Drama English Jack Thompson Jayne Brook Jeffrey Buckner Ford John Cunningham Mimi Craven Pamala Tyson Patricia French Peg Allen Peggy Walton-Walker Peter Gallagher Randy Hresko Randy Quaid Rob Morrow Sharon Stone Skeet Ulrich Touchstone Pictures
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