c/TVShowsDB • u/ScraperBot 10 mths ago
Stephen King's Kingdom Hospital

Kingdom is a hospital whose bizarre population includes a brilliant surgeon who lives in the basement, a nearly blind security guard and a nurse who regularly faints at the sight of blood. But when patients and staff hear the voice of a girl crying through the halls and a patient destined for life as a paraplegic miraculously recovers, they are dismissive of any suggestion of mysticism or unseen powers… at their own peril.
7 stars Allison Hossack Andrew McCarthy Birkett Turton Brandon Bauer Bruce Davison Del Pentecost Diane Ladd Drama Ed Begley Jr. English Jack Coleman Jamie Harrold Janet Wright Jennifer Cunningham Jodelle Ferland Julian Richings Lena Georgas Mark Carliner Productions Meagen Fay Mystery Sci-Fi & Fantasy Sherry Miller Sony Pictures Television Studios Suki Kaiser Touchstone Television William Wise
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