At first glance the Robertsons look like a typical Louisiana family who lives for duck hunting season. A closer look, however, reveals they live very well because of duck hunting season. The Robertsons own and operate Duck Commanders, which specializes in fabricating duck calls and decoys out of salvaged swamp wood. The company has grown from a mom-and-pop operation to a multimillionaire sporting empire, established in 1973 by family patriarch Phil (aka the Duck Commander) and now run by his business-savvy son, Willie. “Duck Dynasty” follows the Robertsons and their booming business, which also employs Willie’s wife, Korie, his brother Jase and Uncle Si, a Vietnam vet and colorful character who keeps the guys in the workshop occupied with his many stories.
6 stars Comedy English Gurney Productions Jase Robertson Kay Robertson Korie Robertson Reality Si Robertson Willie Robertsonc/TVShowsDB • u/ScraperBot 9 mths ago
Duck Dynasty
The Robertsons have quickly become America’s favorite backwoods family. This close-knit clan has made a fortune selling duck calls, turning their backyard business into a multimillion-dollar sporting empire. But for Willie Robertson, the company’s CEO, running a family operation can be tough when all your employees live one distraction at a time and find any excuse to leave the warehouse. Of course, in this DUCK DYNASTY, these challenges and even the most ordinary affairs are met with a special Robertson twist of down-home practicality, wit and humor. They may be living the rags-to-riches American dream, but they always stay true to their rugged, modest, outdoor lifestyle and their deep Southern roots. Day-to-day life in the bayou may be mundane for some, but for the Robertsons, every day brings a new adventure.
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