c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 9 mths ago
An Elf's Story (2011)
The inspirational tale of Chippey, the young scout elf who is assigned by Santa to restore Taylor McTuttle’s belief in Christmas magic. When the boy breaks the number one Elf on the Shelf rule, Chippey loses his Christmas magic; the entire McTuttle family loses is scout elf, and both Taylor and Chippey lose their self-respect. Through the power of love and forgiveness, both of them learn the most important lesson of all: that true belief cannot be taught.
2011 3 stars Animation Brendan Dooling Chadwick Halbritter Cory Rouse Doug Williams Emma Greene en English Evie Eikhoff Family Fantasy Julia Walters Leslie Bellair Matt Henson Michael May Science Fiction Shameik Moore Tatiana Guy Todd Sayre
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