c/TVShowsDB • u/ScraperBot 10 mths ago
Seaside Hotelda
A year has passed and it is the summer of 1929. The regulars are back in the expectation of being pampered again by Mrs. Andersen and her girls. But also new guests move in– two young men who are going to turn it all upside down. In addition, the son of the deceased hotel host returns home from America to settle the legacy of his father which means new challenges for the small hotel. Meanwhile, the maid Fie and the wholesaler's daughter Amanda are each trying in their own way to find love and gain a foothold in life. All the action threads come together in the last episode of the season, on a weekend in October 1929, as the New York Stock Exchange collapses and sends shock waves across the world.

At Andersen’s Seaside Hotel by the North Sea dunes, meet three young people as they try to emancipate themselves from the plans other people have made on their behalf.
8 stars Amalie Dollerup Anette Støvelbæk Anne Louise Hassing Birthe Neumann Bodil Jørgensen Cecilie Stenspil Comedy Danish Drama Jens Jacob Tychsen Lars Ranthe Mads Wille Merete Mærkedahl Morten Hemmingsen Peter Hesse Overgaard Rosalinde Mynster TV 2 Ulla Vejby
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