c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 10 mths ago
London Road (2015)

London Road is a musical drama that documents the events of 2006, when the quiet rural town of Ipswich was shattered by the discovery of the bodies of five women. The residents of London Road had struggled for years with frequent soliciting and kerb-crawling on their street. When a local resident was charged and then convicted of the murders, the community grappled with what it meant to be at the epicentre of this tragedy.
2015 6 stars Abigail Rose Alecky Blythe Alexia Khadime Amy Griffiths Andrew Frame Angela Bain Anita Dobson Anna Hale Barry McCarthy BBC Film Calvin Demba Claire Moore Clare Burt Cuba Pictures Dean Nolan Duncan Wisbey Eloise Laurence English Gillian Bevan Hal Fowler Helena Lymbery Howard Ward James Doherty Janet Henfrey Jason Barnett Jayne McKenna Jenny Galloway Johnathan Glew Kate Fleetwood Lee Nicholas Harris Linzi Hateley Maggie Service Mark Lockyer Mark Sheals Meg Hateley Suddaby Michael Shaeffer Morgan Walters Music Nick Holder Nicola Sloane Olivia Colman Paul Hilton Paul Thornley Rae Baker Richard Frame Rosalie Craig Rosie Hilal Ruby Holder Sean Kingley Thriller Tom Hardy
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