c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 10 mths ago
True Justice: Family Ties (2024)

A law school student with the help of her friends sets out to prove her brother was wrongfully convicted. The only way to clear his name is by finding the real killer, but the closer they get, the more danger they are all in.
2024 7 stars Alexander Nunez Allison Graham Benjamin Ayres Crime Dale Samms Daniel Kash Dustin Hickey en English Joshua Puranda Katherine McNamara Kayla jo Farris Marc Gammal Mario Aguero Jr. Marisa McIntyre Markian Tarasiuk Muse Entertainment Mystery Nikki DeLoach Patrick Publow Percy Anane-Dwumfour Richard Veltri Rick Hastings Sabrina Saudin Sam Ashe Arnold Sarah Murphy-Dyson Tonjha Richardson TV Movie
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