c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 11 mths ago
The Air Up There (1994)

Jimmy Dolan is a college basketball coach who wants a big promotion. To get it, he needs to make a dramatic find. He ends up deep in Africa, hoping to recruit Saleh, a huge basketball prodigy Jimmy glimpsed in a home movie. But Saleh is the chief’s son and has responsibilities at home, since the tribe’s land is threatened by a mining company with its own hotshot basketball team.
1994 6 stars Charles Gitonga Maina Comedy Dennis Patrick English Eric Menyuk Family Hollywood Pictures Ilo Mutombo Interscope Communications John Matshikiza Keith Gibbs Kevin Bacon Longview Entertainment Mabutho 'Kid' Sithole Miriam Owiti NBB Unit One Film Partners Nigel Miguel Nomura Babcock & Brown PolyGram Filmed Entertainment Sean McCann Winston Ntshona Yolanda Vazquez
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