c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 9 mths ago
Chained for Life (2019)
A beautiful actress struggles to connect with her disfigured co-star on the set of a European auteur’s English-language debut.
2019 6 stars Adam Pearson Alison Midstokke Andrew Lampert Avi Glickstein Charlie Korsmo Colin Kane Healey Cosmo Bjorkenheim Daniel Gilchrist Daniel Patrick Carbone Drama Eleanore Pienta English Flies Collective Frank Mosley Grand Motel Jane Schoenbrun Jess Weixler Joanna Arnow Joaquina Kalukango John Klacsmann Jon Dieringer Keith Poulson Lauren Brown Lucy Kaminsky Miranda Gruss Rayvin Disla Rebecca Gruss Sarah Grace Lee Sari Lennick Sayra Player Stephen Plunkett The Eyeslicer Will Blomker William Huntley
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