c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 9 mths ago
State and Main (2000)
A movie crew invades a small town whose residents are all too ready to give up their values for showbiz glitz.
2000 6 stars Alan Francis Sullivan Alec Baldwin Alexandra Kerry Allen Soule Brian Howe Charles Durning Charlotte Potok Chris De Christopher Christopher Kaldor Cindy Lentol Clark Gregg Comedy Danny Hovanesian Darrell Geer David Lauren David Paymer Dee Nelson Drama El Dorado Pictures Emma Norman English Filmtown Entertainment Group Fine Line Features Frederic Levy G. Roy Levin Green/Renzi Italian J.J. Johnston Jack Wallace Jerry Graff Jim Frangione John Krasinski Jonathan Katz Jordan Lage Josh Marchette Julia Stiles Kate Super Ken Cheeseman Kevin Foster McCarthy Kolbie McCabe Lana Bilzerian Laura Silverman Linda Kimbrough Lionel Mark Smith Matt Malloy Matthew Pidgeon Michael Bradshaw Michael Higgins Michael James O'Boyle Morris Lamore Patti LuPone Paul Butler Philip Seymour Hoffman Rebecca Pidgeon Richard L. Friedman Ricky Jay Robert Walsh Sarah Jessica Parker Sean Patrick Reilly Timothy Jernigan-Smith Todd Poudrier Tony Mamet Tony V. Vincent Guastaferro William H. Macy
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