c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 9 mths ago
Captain Horatio Hornblower (1951)
Captain Horatio Hornblower leads his ship HMS Lydia on a perilous transatlantic voyage, during which his faithful crew battle both a Spanish warship and a ragged band of Central American rebels.
1951 7 stars Adventure Alan Tilvern Alec Mango Alexander Davion Amy Veness André Belhomme Anthony Forwood Arthur Gomez Basil Bartlett Chris Adcock Christopher Lee David Birks Denis O'Dea Diane Cilento English Eugene Deckers Gregory Peck History Howard Connell Ingeborg von Kusserow James Kenney James Robertson Justice John Witty Kynaston Reeves Lindsay Hooper Michael Dolan Michael Goodliffe Moultrie Kelsall Patric Doonan Richard Hearne Richard Johnson Robert Beatty Robert Cawdron Ronald Adam Stanley Baker Steve Donahue Terence Morgan Virginia Mayo War Warner Bros. Pictures
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