c/Noypi.me • u/Admin 11 mths ago
Noypi.me - Rules & Info
- You are required to tag adult related posts with NSFW
Any adult related communities must be marked asNSFW(temporarily not required)
Strictly 18+ NO Child pornography, Animal porn, or Rape videos!- NO Spamming unrelated links
- No impersonation – You may not impersonate others (person, group or brand) on Noypi.me in a manner that is intended to or does mislead, confuse, or deceive others.
What is Karma and how to earn them
- 1 Upvote = 1 Karma
- Upvotes raise your karma and downvotes lower it.
- New posts will instantly get an upvote by the OP.
Post has been viewed 1849 times and has been saved by 13 users.
Not required muna ung “Any adult related communities must be marked as NSFW” para tumaas konte ung viewers ng site. nade-deds na kc haha
Got it boss