c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 9 mths ago
Dreamchild (1985)
Eighty-year-old Alice Hargreaves is about to visit Columbia University to attend a reception in honor of author Lewis Carroll. As a child, Alice had a close friendship with the writer, and their relationship was the creative catalyst for Carroll’s most beloved work. However, as Alice reflects on her experiences with the author, she realizes the complexity of their bond has had lasting, deeply felt ramifications.
1985 7 stars Alan Bennett Alan Shearman Amelia Shankley Caris Corfman Coral Browne Drama English Fantasy Frank Middlemass Fulton Mackay Ian Holm Imogen Boorman James Wilby Jane Asher Julie Walters Ken Campbell Nicola Cowper Peter Gallagher PfH Ltd. Roger Ashton-Griffiths Ron Berglas Rupert Wainwright Sam Douglas Shane Rimmer Steve Whitmire Thorn EMI Tony Haygarth William Hootkins
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