c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 9 mths ago
Frankie Meets Jack (2023)
Perpetually single Frankie decides to give up on men in favor of going all-in as a “dog mom” to her adopted dog, Tucker. But sparks fly when Frankie meets Jack, the veterinarian who rescues her dog from near death. They seem destined to be together, but there’s one problem: Jack is already engaged.
2023 5 stars Andrew Lawrence Anne Heche Brytnee Ratledge Carl McDowell Carmen Fields Comedy Dawn's Light English Joe Harkins Joey Lawrence Madeline Grey DeFreece MarVista Entertainment Mary Looram Pamela Bell Mitchell Reid Perkins Romance Ryan Youngwoong Kim Samantha Cope Sharayu Mahale Stephen Burrell Tubi TV Zachary Gaviria
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