c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 9 mths ago
Tinnitus (2023)pt
Marina Lenk is an experienced Ornamental Jumping athlete. However, an attack of Tinnitus — an unbearable ringing sound in the ears — drags her from the top of her game to the edge of madness.
2023 5 stars Akio Yamaoka Alli Willow André Guerreiro Lopes Antônio Pitanga Danilo Tomic Drama Evelyn Wallace Winkler Giulia Lima Moitrel Heloísa Tavades da Silva Henrique Zanoni Heri Brandino Horror Indira Nascimento Jaime Shih Jéssica Messali Joana de Verona Kaito Sensei Leonardo Castilho Lira Ribas Luciana Domschke Mawusi Tulani Misaki Tanaka Portuguese Romance Sabrina Greve Shaka Sílvia Lourenço Superfilmes Thaia Perez
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