c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 10 mths ago
Robots (2023)

A womanizer and a gold digger trick people into relationships with illegal robot doubles. When they unwittingly use this scam on each other, their robot doubles fall in love and elope, forcing the duo to team up to hunt them down before the authorities discover their secret.
2023 6 stars Barney Burman Case Matthews Casey Messer Charles Grisham Chelsea Edmundson Comedy Company Films Dani Payne David Grant Wright Elevated Films Emanuela Postacchini English Fantasy Hank Rogerson Hungarian Jack Whitehall Jackamoe Buzzell Kate Herman Keith Campbell Kevin Foster Kristin K. Berg Leslie Fleming-Mitchell Miguel Martinez Nick Rutherford Patrick Burch Paul Jurewicz Paul Rust Rebekah Patton Richard Lippert Road Film Robert Turton Robots Filmproduktion RocketScience Romance Samantha Ashley Science Fiction Shailene Woodley Theresa Heine Tiffany Adams
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