c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 10 mths ago
Nightmare Pageant Moms (2023)

When Emilia and her daughter Sophie are left in an unexpected, dire financial situation, they discover an intriguing option to pay for Sophie’s college—entering a regional Mother[1]Daughter beauty pageant with a lucrative scholarship prize. But they don’t realize a competing mother-daughter team are willing to go to disturbing and dangerous lengths to win the crown.
2023 6 stars Adam Harper Brittney Q. Hill Cass Huckabay Christine Oswald Clark Sarullo Crime Drama English Gina Simms Holly Bonney Hope Blackstock Isabelle Almoyan Jeremy Carr Jillian Walzer John Zimmermann Jonathan Lee Taylor Karsten Friske Liz DeCoudres Melaine Bennett Muretta Moss Rachel Walters Reel One Entertainment Sallie Glaner Sharonne Lanier Storyteller Studios Summer Monet Tatiana Le'Joy Thriller TV Movie Wendy Wynne
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