c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 9 mths ago
Troma's War (1988)
A small group of typical Tromaville citizens find themselves in the path of a terrorist army controlled by the power elite…
1988 5 stars Action Adventure Aleida Harris Alex Cserhart Allen Lewis Rickman Angel Caban Ara Romanoff Brenda Brock Carolyn Beauchamp Charles Kay-Hune Comedy Dan Snow David Greenspan English German Jessica Dublin Joe Fleishaker Lily Hayes Kaufman Lisa Petruno Lisbeth Kaufman Lorayn Lane Deluca Mary Yorio Nora Hummel Patrick Weathers Paul Borghese Pericles Lewnes Rick Collins Rick Washburn Robert Amico Sean Bowen Spanish Steven Crossley Susan Bachli Troma Entertainment
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