c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 9 mths ago
Malibu Express (1985)
In this erotic spy tale private eye Cody Abilene teams up with the Contessa Luciana and policewoman Beverly McAfee to infiltrate a mansion and discover who is sending computer secrets to the Russians.
1985 5 stars Abb Dickson Action Adventure Alex Preissman Andy Sidaris Andy Sidaris Company Arlene Sidaris Art Metrano Barbara Edwards Bill Pryor Brett Baxter Clark Busty O'Shea Christian Drew Sidaris Comedy Craig Stewart Crime Darby Hinton Eddie Surkin Ellen Jones Pryor English Harry Hauss Jeanine Vargas John Alderman John Brown Joy Philbin Kimberly McArthur Les Steinmetz Lori Sutton Lorraine Michaels Lynda Wiesmeier Malibu Bay Films Michael A. Andrews Mitch Friedman Neil Wolfson Niki Dantine Niki Patterson Peggy Ann Filsinger Peter Knecht Randy Rudy Regis Philbin Richard Brose Robert Darnell Robyn Hilton Ruth Stamer Shanna McCullough Shelley Taylor Morgan Skip Ward Suzanne M. Regard Sybil Danning Thomas Trikilis Yukon King
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