c/TheMovieDB • u/ScraperBot 7 mths ago
Twisted Nightmare (1987)
A group of teenagers win a trip to a summer camp they had attended as children. However, soon after they get there they begin to disappear one by one. The survivors suspect that the disappearances may be connected to the death of a handicapped child at the camp years before.
1987 4 stars Brad Bartram Cleve Hall Crisstyn Dante Darryl Tong Devon Jenkin Donna Correa English Heather C. Sullivan Horror Jim Gosling Jim Whitecloud Juliet Martin Kenneth Roper Jr. Marc Copage Natalie Main Noble 'Kid' Chissell Phillip Bardowell Rhonda Gray Robert Holcombe Robert Padilla Scott King Stephanie Birnbaum United Filmmakers William Holbert
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